We are back AoF community! Welcome to a long overdue and enlightening episode of Analytics on Fire featuring – our very own Mico Yuk! Ryan Goodman interviews Mico about her company BI Brainz and the über hot new offering, the BI visual quick win.
We cover a lot of ground in this episode, from user experience, design, data, and everything in between. Mico shares her various formulas for creating quick wins, tailored to each customer’s specific BI needs. As we delve into this subject, you’re sure to come away with some new and actionable ideas for ramping up your analytics and user experience.
This episode will help you no matter where in the journey you are. Turn it up and pull out the notepad for this amazing BI masterclass!
"User experience is so much more than a pretty picture or interface.”
In this episode, you'll learn:
- How BI processes get hung up on traditional products and ideas.
- Why BI has shifted toward useful, personalized, and well-designed analytics.
- What exactly a visual quick win entails, and how BI Brainz gets you there.
- [3:43] - Mico explains how the BI Visual Quick Win derived from customer need
- [5:45] - Key Quote: “You can't make a (data) dimension sexy! Customer want what they see on the internet! Great looking analytics.”
- [6:38] - Ryan drills into the challenges customers face with new BI tools
- [9:00] - Mico divulges the eight keys to creating to a BI Visual Quick Win
- [21:00] - Mico describe the 3 unique levels of the BI Visual Quick Win - D1, D2 and D3 and how they cut the cost
- [27:00] - Different ways users try tell you the design is ugly — and how to fix it before launch
- [33:56] - Mico shares how to get a free Visual Assessment
- Why a learning curve on dashboard design or a new BI tool can be too risky
- Key Quote: “When you put your KPIs into a compelling story format, you tend to see that there are gaps in your story.”
"If you are still struggling to deliver a single dashboard, you will become obsolete... when you push and pray, you fail” - [37:21]
Links and Resources mentioned in this episode:
- Connect with Mico: Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook
- Get your BI Visual Quick Win Today!
- Join the BI Data Storytelling Mastery Facebook Group
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