Discover Why our BI Data Storytelling Accelerator Virtual Workshop is not like any other Data Storytelling Workshop You’ve ever Attended!
Dashboards are NOT the future of BI.” That single statement from one
Let’s face it. Design is hard. Especially when it comes to designing
To provide Analytics/Data leaders with the support, tools and techniques to deliver their reporting projects on time, resulting in more buy-in, trust, and funding for future projects.
BI Brainz helps to create memorable user experiences from day one, not only in the engagement but in the actual analytics.
Back in January of 2014, with the help of my publisher Wiley, and my amazing co-author Stephanie Diamond, I was able
Get a backstage pass into our BI Brainz lab. We’ll show you unconventional ways to boost user adoption rates, design amazing data visualizations, avoid scope creep, and keep your users happy. The old ways are broken. Let’s change the BI world together.